这件事发生在美国移动通信网络运营商巨头AT&T。5G公众号(ID:angmobile)了解到AT&T无线工程副总裁Todd Zeiler透露AT&T已经开始拆除现网中的诺基亚无线电设备,并重新部署爱立信的无线电设备(AT&T has begun tearing Nokia's radios out of its network and replacing them with radios from Ericsson)。
目前AT&T遍布全美国的宏无线接入网络中,诺基亚占到了约三分之一。5G公众号了解到消息人士称AT&T正在美国各地拆除诺基亚的设备,并将从今年7月份开始全力推进拆除工作(Work is now spreading across the US, and the project is scheduled to shift into high gear starting in July)。
诺基亚在AT&T的所有无线接入网络设备,最终将被“全部拆除”(Ultimately AT&T's rip-and-replace program calls for the removal of Nokia's equipment from almost a third of its overall nationwide wireless network.)。5G公众号了解到AT&T雇用了多达18家工程企业来拆除诺基亚设备。