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亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  新兵

发表于 2012-7-13 19:32:19 |显示全部楼层
关于UE发起的bearer resource allocation request procedure和bearer resrouce modification request流程我有几个问题,说下我的个人理解,各位大侠帮忙指正:
1、bearer resouce allocation 和bearer resrouce modification流程UE分别在什么时候发起?通过什么流程来让ESM分别发起这2个流程?
2、bearer resouce allocation procedure和bearer resource modification procedure中的Qos和Tft的参数都怎么填?网络侧响应UE发起的流程中携带的QOS和TFT参数是否会参考UE发起流程中携带的Qos和TFT?还是说网络对UE发起的流程中的参数仅仅只是当个参考(不屑一顾的那种态度),然后自己决定发起什么流程和携带什么样的Qos参数和packetfilter 参数?
我的理解:假设当前建立了两个承载,Bearer#1和Bearer#2,,分别为default eps bearer:EBI为5,QCI为9。dedicate eps bearer:EBI为 6,QCI为4,对应一个TFT,TFT中有两个packetfilter,packetfilter#1和#2)。
/* bearer resource modification procedure

如果现在需要发起新的业务,这个业务需要的QoS的QCI为4(可能MBR和GBR和Bearer #2中的不一样),那么就会发起Bearer resource modification procedure(携带EBI:6,QOS,和TFT),因为当前的Bearer#2已经可以满足QCI需求,修改一些TFT 中的packet filter的过滤规则(对应的TFT operation code为replace packetfilter in existing TFT)或者增加几个packetfilter(对应的TFT operation code为add packetfilter filter to existing packetfilter)或者删除几个packetfilter(对应的TFT operation code为delete packetfilter from existing TFT)。网络收到UE发起的bearer resource modification request 后,会根据当前情况来决定是发起active dedicate eps bearer request procedure(准备重新active dedicate eps bearer request中携带的EBI:7,Qos和TFT是否会参考之前发起的Bearer resource modification procedure request 带过来的QOS和 TFT?)还是发起modify eps bearer context request procedure(modify eps bearer request中携带的EBI:6,Qos和TFT是否会参考之前发起的Bearer resource modification procedure request 带过来的QOS和 TFT?),因为bearer source modification 没带cause,所以网络肯定不会发起deactive eps bearer request procedure。

/*bearer resource allocation procedure*/
如果现在需要发起新的业务,这个业务需要的QoS的QCI为2,那么就会发起Bearer resource allocation procedure(带linked bearer id:5,QOS,和TFT怎么填?是不是不同的业务,会有固定的TFT结构?比如real time gaming这些业务会有固定的QOS和TFT?我只知道TFT operation code为careat new TFT,下面的packetfilter内容怎么填?)。网络收到UE发起的bearer resource allocation request 后,会根据当前情况来决定是发起active dedicate eps bearer request procedure(准备重新active dedicate eps bearer request中携带的EBI:7,Qos和TFT是否会参考之前发起的Bearer resource allocation procedure request 带过来的QOS和 TFT?)还是发起modify eps bearer context request procedure(网络侧认为你这个业务修改当前存在的bearer #2即可满足业务需求,modify eps bearer request中携带的EBI:6,Qos和TFT是否会参考之前发起的Bearer resource allocation procedure request 带过来的QOS和 TFT?),

比如说MMI设置的TFT operation code为:creat new TFT/add packetfilter to existing TFT/replace packetfilter in existing TFT/delete packetfilter from existing TFT, NAS的ESM收到MMI发起的业务请求后,先查TFT operation code,如果为creat new TFT,则发起bearer source allocation preocedure,如果为add packetfilter to existing TFT/replace packetfilter in existing TFT/delete packetfilter from existing TFT则发起bearer source modification procedure.
我个人认为ESM 在发起bearer source modification procedure和bearer source allocation preocedure是没法自己主动填写TFT和QOS,因为ESM只负责流程发起,不知道什么样的业务需要填写什么样的TFT和QoS参数?

在23401中描述的UE requested bearer resource modification流程中有说到:The UE sends the Linked Bearer Id (LBI) only when the requested operation is add, to indicate to which PDN connection the additional bearer resource is linked to. 我认为这个LBI是不需要携带的,因为如果bearer resource modification procedure invokes active dedicated eps bearer request procedure,网络会主动分配LBI给这个dedicated eps bearer

在24.301的Table BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message content中只有EPS bearer identity for packet filter,没有lined bearer ID这一个IE。

另外我看23.401中UE requested bearer resource modification的TAD operation code有modify or delete or add三种
24.301中的UE requested bearer resource modification的operation code有下面几种:
no tft operation codenly change GBR without changing the packetfilter(s);
"Replace packet filters in existing TFT" or "Add packet filters to existing TFT":to request modification of traffic flow aggregate
Delete packet filters from existing TFT:to request a release of bearer resources

24.301和23.401的TFT operation code 怎么 一 一对应?

希翼各位大神多多指点, 初涉LTE协议栈开发,多多关照!


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