小弟有一些问题请教,请各位有空的时候能不吝啬的打几个字引导一下, 这个帖子发这里不知道合不合适, 如果不合适请告知什么版块比较好。
本人目前工作是外贸出口,主要产品是广播电视发射机,因为想扩展出口产品范围,所以下意识的涉及到一些微波通信方面的业务。 最近几个月接了好几起MICROWAVE LINK的讯盘, 因为业务不熟悉而没拿下来,痛定思痛,来这里寻求引导和帮助。 毕竟术业有专攻,小弟也不奢望能弄明白这些产品的技术是杂回事, 但是至少也要了解此类产品哪一家生产商的质量,服务好,价格有优势。 各位侵淫此行业这么多年,如果能够不吝赐教, 当感激不尽, 如果能拿下一些业务, 也会略备薄礼,寥表心意。
以下是客户的一些要求, 实际上,从目前看来, 国外客户要求的容量都比较大,似乎16E1已经不能满足要求了。
target bands (ETSI) 13, 18, 26GHz or 32 or 38GHz instead of 26
important is ethernet (IP) interface - for full capacity
in our region, maybe more than 50% of installed links are from 26GHz higher
now, it seems like 100Mbps+ (super-DPH, SDH) is needed by market PDH (34Mbps) is not that attractive 果然, 100M以上容量是目前最受欢迎的, PDH 34M的容量已经没有什么吸引力了
E1's is beying replaced by Ethernet (IP), especially for DSP/ISP operators I can send you ETSI band plan for those bands power can be lower (say 15dBm will be ok, even 20dBm is always welcome - ATPC etc.) (客户说明了一下)基本上E1接口已经被IP接口所代替,尤其是对于DSP/ISP来说。 功率呢15dBm就足够了
also 24GHz (24.00-24.250) band is attractive but not sure if you can make such a narrow diplexer (say 100MHz T/R separation in 24GHz) so will study your materials and let you know 24GHz频段的产品也非常具备吸引力,但是(客户)不能确定是否中国的厂家能够窄带的双工器。
给出一个国外厂家网址saftehnika。Com, 有兴趣的朋友可以去看看, 和大家中国的产品区别大吗?
if you think about europe, Ethernet is a must (the same for USA/FCC) 对于欧洲来说,以太网接口那是必须的
do you have own SDH IDU (modem)?
I do not see it in your email, just ODUs some companies often use 3rd party IDU like is carriercom and then total cost is too high (客户)提到,大家是否有自己的IDU, 很多厂家都是使用的第三方的IDU,这样的话成本就会高很多
for PDH, I see there a LAN port, we need to pass up fo full capacity via LAN (ethernet) interface
so it means e.g. you have 16E1 radio, but customer needs e.g. 14E1 (28Mbps) via Ethernet and 2x E1... or Ethernet only (34Mbs via LAN, no E1 active) similar for SDH... STM1 interface is no more used, all operators use IP networking since total cost is lower than having an SDH network 关于接口怎么使用,小弟不是很懂,哪位可以详细说明下,先谢谢了。
their SDH is Carriercom IDU + their own ODU... expensive, already going to be phased out and their PDH is too slow for today needs (34Mbps is not enough for DSP/ISP, mayube just for GSM operators but those use e.g. NEC - maanged by their international owner 上面网址那厂家,因为使用别人的IDU造成成本太高,基本上要被市场淘汰了。 一般来说,34M的容量只够GSM使用,不能满足DSP/ISP的要求
to be honest, we tried to proceed with PDH costed around 2300USD and it was on the edge, and it has more than 34Mbps capacity (super-PDH) 在价格方面,客户提出的目标价格是2300美金/跳,RMB就是15000多点, 不知道国内PDH是个什么价格。 出口的话这个价格有利润可图吗? 并且这个价格还是超容量的SPDH的价格。。貌似难度比较大吧