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离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:sdhhero   |  提问时间:2016-8-25 16:42
IE Length = 3 Int. Id. present Interface implicitly identified Interface Type Primary rate interface D-Channel Ind. The channel identified is not the D-Channel Pref. / Excl. Exclusive: only ind. channel acceptable Info Channel Selection As indicated in following octets Coding Standard CCITT Standardized Coding No./Map Channel is indicated by number Chan Type/Map ID Type B-Channel units Channel Number 1 Origination Address IE Length = 9 Type of Address National number Numbering/Address Plan Id ISDN numbering plan (CCITT Rec. E.164/E.163) Presentation Indicator Presentation allowed Screening Indicator User-provided, not screened Number Digits 4512282
回答时间:2016-8-29 21:08
我要回应:  回应字数在5000字以内


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