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Attach request和PDN Connectivity REquest一定是在同一条RRC消息中发送的吗?
提问者:illidan   |  提问时间:2011-7-18 13:06
我看23.401只写了Attach request,没提PDN CONN Request. 可有些江湖上的资料,又写Attach request和PDN CONN Request一起在RRC Conn Request一起发送。 到底Attach request和PDN CONN Request有啥依赖或绑定关系么?
A UE in RRC_CONNECTED initiates the UL information transfer procedure whenever there is a need to transfer NAS or non-3GPP dedicated information, except at RRC connection establishment in which case the NAS information is piggybacked to the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message.
跟RRC CON CMP一起发的可能是有的,应该不会跟req一起发。
回答时间:2011-8-8 09:47
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