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离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:chestthinker   |  提问时间:2012-7-12 20:15
UE对下行双码字进行HARQ确认时,是对两个码字一起确认,还是可以分开单独确认? 我看PUCCH format 1b 有2个bit,是不是就是用于对双码字进行确认的?
回复 2# 的帖子
对。另外,2bit确实就是两个码字的ACK反馈 Channel coding for UCI HARQ-ACK
The HARQ-ACK bits are received from higher layers. HARQ-ACK consists of 1-bit of information, i.e., or 2-bits of information, i.e., with corresponding to HARQ-ACK bit for codeword 0 and corresponding to that for codeword 1. Each positive acknowledgement (ACK) is encoded as a binary ‘1’ and each negative acknowledgement (NACK) is encoded as a binary ‘0’. The HARQ-ACK bits are processed according to [2].
回答时间:2012-7-14 12:55
我要回应:  回应字数在5000字以内


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