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提问者:atpcat   |  提问时间:2012-6-20 15:07
如题,比如调度给终端一个RB,那么请问计算终端接收信号功率时,是应该用基站总功率(43dBm)-路损(dB),还是应该用一个RB上的功率(比如20M小区,每个RB功率(43-20)=23dBm)-路损? 期待大家答复,谢谢。
firstly, PDSCH EPRE(power per RE per antenna port) can be set based on CRS EPRE, and according to 36.213, the difference between PDSCH EPRE and CRS EPRE is decided by a RRC configurable parameter: P_A.
Generally, CRS EPRE is fixed and broadcasted by SIB2. and P_A is UE specific, and the value range is [-6, -4.77, -3, -1.77, 0, 1, 2, 3], so at maximum PDSCH EPRE = CRS EPRE + 3dB. The value range of CRS EPRE is -60~50dBm.
In the extreme, we can set CRS EPRE and P_A to proper value to allow a single user to use as much power as possible.
But normal practices is that it is a multi-user network, and CRS EPRE is generally set to the average power (that's 20W(per antenna port) - 10*log10(1200)=12dBm, and by the way, the 23dBm power from you calculation is wrong!), and P_A may be to 0dB. In this case, PDSCH power is 12+0+3(two branchs tranmission) = 15dBm
回答时间:2012-6-25 09:45
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