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离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:怪兽erica   |  提问时间:2012-6-13 16:35
最近在做TD-LTE 的网络规划链路预算,想问一下链路预算用到的一些关键参数,哪些一般是给定的,哪些是需要链路仿真得到的?比如说看书中提到SINR、MCS对应关系还有解调门限需要链路仿真得到的。对于这一大堆的参数配置如何取值表示很混乱。求高人指教!! 另外链路级仿真和系统级仿真在规划中的作用也不是很了解~ 刚刚接触LTE,刚刚接触规划~一切都很空白~求高人指点!!!!
The items that need simulation include: SINR vs MCS/RB,Interference Margin,all kinds of gain(such as HARQ gain, scheduling gain, BF gain, IRC gain, TTI Bundling gain...)
The link-level simulation is generally used to get the demodulation threshold in L1, and may also be used to get the HARQ gain, IRC gain, TTI Bundling gain, BF gain(expressed in dB, such as UL IRC is xdB better than UL MRC, or DL TM7 BF is xdB better than TM2).
The system-level simulation is generally used to get the spectral efficiency under different configurations, such as DL OL/CL MIMO, DL BF and UL MRC/IRC. The HARQ/IRC/BF gains are generally expressed in percentage(for example, the cell spectral efficiency of OL MIMO is x% better than SIMO, or TM7 BF is x% better than TM2)
回答时间:2012-6-13 20:01
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