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提问者:floatinthesky   |  提问时间:2011-8-4 18:00
在给运营商做语音测试的时候,运营商告知核心网的组网方式是一种传统的组网方式,什么事传统的组网方式?走的sip协议,抓包返回403 forbidden不知什么原因?。。。 我对核心网的东西了解很少?、麻烦各位给说明下如下缩写吧 ,谢谢! 大家的onu一直注册不到sip 服务器上,纠结中... 软交换是HUAWEI的softco9500.谢谢 i-csif mgw mgcf img-mgw msc hlr mgw
I-CSCF interrogating-call session control function  查询-呼叫会话控制功能 An entry point of the home network. It assigns the S-CSCF and finds the S-CSCF with which the called party registers. It also hides the topology among IMS domains

MGW media gateway  媒体网关 A logical entity that converts the format of the media of a network to meet the format requirement of another network. It can process audio services, video services and data services, and convert the media format in full duplex mode. In addition, it can play certain audio and video signals, and provide the IVR function and media conference.

MGCF media gateway control function  媒体网关控制功能 A gateway through which the IMS users communicate with the CS users. All the call control signaling messages from the CS/IMS users are sent to the MGCF. The MGCF implements conversion between ISUP or BICC and SIP and forwards sessions to the IMS. In addition, the MGCF controls the media channels in the IM-MGW.

IM-MGW IP multimedia media gateway  IP多媒体网关

MSC mobile switching center 移动交换中心 A logical entity that provides interfaces for interworking with the function entities in a wireless system and the public network. It plays a core role for switch in the wireless system. It provides mobile management and switch to mobile subscribers and sets up communications between mobile subscribers, or between a mobile subscriber and a fixed line subscriber.

HLR home location register  归属位置寄存器 A function entity shared by the circuit switching (CS) domain and the packet switching (PS) domain. It is responsible for mobile subscriber data management and location information management. HLR, a network entity of the core network (CN) in the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), general packet radio service (GPRS), or Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) network, is the central database for the entire network.
回答时间:2012-3-20 14:29
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