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离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:li159   |  提问时间:2017-11-24 09:23
My team did a lot of test with the 60KM transceivers. It did't work and I don't know what to do. The signal is between the range and the link work by a little time (2 or 3 hour), but after that the link stop work. The signal keep between the range.. I also saw in switch's information that the transceivers’s description is different for the some product. For exemple, in the switch "A” the transceiver type is 10GBASE_ER_SFP but in switch “B” the transceiver type is OC48_LONG_REACH_SFP but the transceiver’s are the same model (10g bidi 60KM).

Watch the signal is good and is between the range, but the interface is down. My switch is alerting:

"Nov 14 2017 10:49:58-03:00 Huawei S5720-Edge-Rep.12a %%01SRM/3/RXPOWER_EXCEEDMAJOR(l)[3]:Optical module in interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/3 exception, Rx power is too high!

But the RX signal on SWITCH “A” interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/3 is -12.37 dBm and the the RX power high threshold is -7 dBm. Right now the link is down and i don't know why. I need to solve this problem because all the modules are with the same problem. The signal is good (between the range), but after feel hour, the link drop.
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